




2023 = Being Intentional

Wedding Photography - Bride and Groom walking through a field in Columbus Georgia

New Year – Same me – just needs a little kick in the a**.

I have a whole lot of feelings surrounding the new years resolution thing. I think there’s some positives – it gives people hope and there’s a lot of collective energy towards doing better and being better so it does make setting goals and sticking to them a lot easier when the rest of the world seems to be doing the same.

What I don’t love about them is they are often superficial and they don’t get to the root of the problem so they don’t always stick. As a certified Master’s Coach – I understand what it takes to create change in behavior and it’s a LOT more than just setting a goal. You have to understand what’s keeping you from getting to your goal in the first place and work on the mindset along with the new behavior.

I don’t want to bore you with the deets (even though it is quite fascinating to me). The reason I’m bringing this us is because I want to be more transparent in the process of building the biz and being an entrepreneur. Nothing has humbled me quite like this journey of being my own boss. There’s been a lot of highs – but surprisingly a lot more downs than I was expecting.

After some close inspection – I can see that the downs were honestly my own doing because I lacked intention and discipline. I had a lot of “goals” but I found myself doing a lot of meaningless tasks that are were not necessarily contributing to my success and quite honestly were burning me out. I am a type A person, but without an intentional routine – I’m just an anxious mess. I was sleeping in, not spending my work hours efficiently, and just feeling like I was serving everyone but myself. Guess who’s responsible for that?! YEP ME….

So this year I am going to try to ride the momentum of the new year to simply be more intentional. While I have a lot of goals I am continuously working on I don’t have any “New Years Resolutions”. I feel like what I am doing is working, but it’s not sustainably long term. So in the spirit of change – I am not focusing as much on my “goals” – but more on the actions I am doing that are keeping me feeling drained.

That looks a lot like:

-Unplugging and stop worrying so much about what other people are doing or what trends I need to hop on

-Setting a weekly schedule and sticking to it

-Limit distractions while working by turning my phone one do not disturb and closing out social media so I am not tempted to scroll

-Spending more time dreaming about the life I am creating instead of manufacturing an image of it for social media

-Being present with my clients, with my family and friends, and with myself

-More quiet time connecting with my inner guides and intuition

-Being as disciplined working for myself as I was when I worked for others

So here’s to 2023 – to enjoying this life I’ve built without rushing to the next accomplishment – to being still and finding guidance from within – to building unwavering trust in myself- and to being really intentional with my time on this earth.

Life is a celebration worth cherishing and I hope to do just that.

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